Education for Health disseminates work consistent with the mission of The Network: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH), a global consortium of health professions schools and individuals committed to improving education of the health workforce and focused on responsiveness to the needs of communities they serve.


Education for Health and its parent organization, TUFH, partner with The Woods System of Care and FAIMER to generate and curate submissions on health priority topics related to advancement of quality in health workforce education and community mental health and integrated health for complex care populations. 

The Woods System of Care is a population health management organization that through its network of providers provides life cycle care to meet the lifelong needs of children and adults with intellectual disabilities, acquired brain injuries and/or mental health challenges who may also have complex medical and genetic conditions.  The Woods System of Care is a Collaborating Center of Excellence with The Network: Toward Unity for Health and manages The Mollie Woods Hare Global Center for Excellence with expertise in autism, intellectual and developmental health and mental health populations. The Woods System of Care is driven by the understanding that the root causes of health inequity are deep and complex and are attributed to differences in access to healthcare, income, education, race, segregation, and place. Barriers in access to quality, affordable care, along with the double burden of racism and poverty for people who have a disability result in a higher incidence of health disparities and significantly poorer health outcomes. A welcoming environment, highly trained and competent healthcare providers and an integrated care model addresses these disparities and improves health. 

FAIMER is a division of Intealth, an integrated organization that also includes the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). Through strategic integration of its nonprofit divisions, Intealth brings together expertise and resources to advance quality in health care education worldwide to improve health care for all. As divisions of Intealth, FAIMER and ECFMG share a common vision and pursue complementary missions. FAIMER promotes excellence in international health professions education through programmatic and research activities. FAIMER has trained more than 2,000 Fellows worldwide in partnership with its Regional Institutes; has contributed to the national understanding of the international medical graduate workforce in the United States; and has partnered with many organizations to advance the quality of health professions education. FAIMER Project Reports: Innovations in Health Professions Education are structured reports completed by FAIMER Fellows at the end of the 2-year International FAIMER Institute or FAIMER Regional Institute Fellowship program, based on education innovation projects.