Jan-Mar 2024 - Volume 37 - Issue 1
Vol. 37 No. 1 (2024)

Several papers in this issue focus on social accountability – perceptions of education staff and students, use of storytelling to achieve deeper understanding, and implementation of new education tools.  A related paper addresses education about planetary health in low- and middle-income countries. In addition, we describe the new 2024-2027 TUFH Strategic Plan which highlights social accountability.

We go beyond social accountability with a pair of papers on influences on career pathways - one looking at high school students and the other at early medical students.   Another set of papers on education innovations addresses impact of active learning methods, reverse role simulation, and virtual shadowing.  Our practical advice paper offers lessons learned in development of mission and vision statements.

With 3 Commentaries, 6 Research papers, 1 Student Contribution, 1 Practical Advice Paper, 2 Brief Communications, and 2 Letters to the Editor, there is a lot to digest.    If you have comments on any of these papers, please send us your letters!