Medical students’ satisfaction towards videos as flipped classroom materials

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Heba S. Omar
Rania Gamal Eldin Zaki
Noha Hayek
Lamiaa Mohsen


A video with the complete workflow of colorimetric assay of serum glucose was shot and launched on the college Learning Management System (LMS) for first year medical students. The aim of this project was to assess students’ satisfaction with videos as flipped classroom (FC) materials. Year 1 medical students were instructed to watch the video through an available link before the practical session and answer a questionnaire measuring their satisfaction at the end of the session. 162 students responded to the questionnaire. 85.8% of students said that FC videos should be used for other practical/ clinical sessions. Students’ satisfaction indicates that videos may be useful as FC materials.


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How to Cite
Omar, H. S., Gamal Eldin Zaki , R., Hayek, N., & Mohsen, L. (2024). Medical students’ satisfaction towards videos as flipped classroom materials. Education for Health, 37(3), 284–286.
FAIMER Project Reports