Dental education in India: perceived learner impact of community immersion on social awareness

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Pushpanjali Krishnappa
Jyotsna Sriranga
Malu Mohan
Anita P Sagarkar
KM Shwetha


Background: The Department of Public Health Dentistry at the Faculty of Dental Sciences, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, implemented a social accountability education program from 2007 to date. This article examines the educational theories supporting the design and the impact it has had on students. Method: Dental students participate in community-focused and community-based programs from the third to the fifth year of their undergraduate studies. The paper focuses specifically on the third year, when social accountability education is taught through community-oriented and community-based sessions. The mandatory 15-day community program is based on a socio-constructivist paradigm and provides a platform for experiential learning. Students experience first-hand the health issues, health systems, and social determinants of health in a rural community. Results: 748 students, who participated in the education program from 2007 to 2023 reported that the community-based program enhanced their attitudes towards community service, developed empathy, improved communication skills and deepened their understanding of social determinants of health. Conclusion: Engaging in community-based, socially responsible education enables learners to comprehend the determinants of health and to assess their existing competencies in delivering care. By remaining in the community, learners can develop meaningful connections and understand their accountability towards the community.


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How to Cite
Krishnappa, P., Sriranga, J., Mohan, M., Sagarkar, A. P., & Shwetha, K. (2024). Dental education in India: perceived learner impact of community immersion on social awareness. Education for Health, 37(4), 345–351.
Original Research Paper