Refugee child vision screening curriculum for multidisciplinary trainees

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Michelle Guo
Monica Botross
Devyn Rigsby
Yuchen Chen
Hannah Lee
Elena Montag
Peter Sang Uk Park
Maurizio Porco
César A. Briceño


Background: Conflicts, natural disasters, and persecution have led to growing refugee populations worldwide. Vision impairment within these populations is a significant concern. Eye conditions in refugee children appear to peak during times of resettlement. Future medical and nursing professionals need to be trained to detect treatable conditions that could lead to permanent vision loss and significant morbidity if undiagnosed. While curricula regarding refugee health exist, no curriculum exists on identifying common eye conditions in refugee children and performing pediatric eye screening. Methods: We created and delivered a virtual, single-session curriculum on pediatric refugee eye conditions and screening to medical and nursing trainees. A needs assessment survey assessing trainees’ knowledge and confidence in detecting eye conditions in children and refugees informed curriculum design. Pre- and post-test assessments evaluated participants’ knowledge and confidence before and after the module. A two-sided signed-rank test was used to compare pre- and post-test scores. Results: Twenty-seven respondents completed the needs assessment survey, which revealed low levels of confidence in performing vision screening, especially in evaluating the eye surface. Fourteen participants completed the module and pre- and post-test surveys. Mean knowledge test score improved from 52% to 75% (P<0.001). Discussion: As the global refugee population grows, this study supports the value of incorporating a refugee child eye curriculum into trainee education to empower providers to detect and address refugee eye conditions. 


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How to Cite
Guo, M., Botross, M., Rigsby, D., Chen, Y., Lee, H., Montag, E., … Briceño, C. A. (2024). Refugee child vision screening curriculum for multidisciplinary trainees. Education for Health, 37(3), 243–247.
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